
Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, slender and reform certain parts of the body by removing excess fat deposits, enhance your body shape and eventually improving your self-esteem.

When your diet and exercise regimen cannot seem to get rid of stubborn fat pockets in different parts of your body, it is time to consider liposuction. These fat areas may be inherited from your family genetics rather than a lack of diet or exercise. Liposuction is a form of body contouring and not a weight loss method. Liposuction will not improve cellulite which is the appearance of dimpled irregular skin commonly seen in the buttocks and the thighs. It has no effect on stretch marks. There are major advantage of liposuction is the loss of excess fatty tissue, which can be permanently maintained with a healthy diet and exercise habit.

It is performs specifically in patients who have good thin skin tone and isolated areas of fat excess such as improving the shape of a patients buttocks, legs, hips, waist, abdomen, breast, back of the arms, neck, chin, chest, back as well as being useful in overdeveloped male breast tissue.

Ideal Candidate

Not every person is a good candidate for liposuction. It is best to have a proper diet and regular exercise. To be a good candidate, one must be:

  • In good general health
  • Over 18
  • Adults within 30 percent of ideal weight who have firm, elastic and good muscle tone
  • Non-smokers
  • No diabetes
  • No existing infection
  • No heart or circulation problems
  • Person with optimistic outlook and specific goals for body contouring

In older people, the skin is usually less elastic, so it does not tighten in this case, other procedures can be added to the liposuction, such as a tummy tuck.

Potential risks of Liposuction include:

  • Temporary bruising, swelling, and numbness around the treated areas
  • Rippling, dimpling and loose skin
  • Irritation and minor scarring around incision sites
  • Uneven contour
  • Blood clots
  • Fats clots
  • Poor wound healing
  • Reduce sensation for first few months

Liposuction is usually done as an outpatient procedure unless a large volume of fat is being removed. But liposuction of large areas of the body should only be done in a hospital or licensed surgical center. In large area or volume of fat is being suctioned, general anesthesia or deep sedation with local anesthetic may be administered. In some cases, in area or volume of fat is being treated local anesthetic may be administered and does not require overnight hospital stay.

A small, inconspicuous incision is performed into the area. First, a sterile liquid solution is infused to minimize bleeding and trauma. Then small, thin, blunt-tipped tubes (cannula is inserted through the incisions in the skin.) The doctor moves the tubes around under the skin to target specific excess fat deposits. Fat is suctioned out of the body by using surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula.

The latest improved techniques have made liposuction safer, easier and less painful. These latest techniques include:

  • Tumescent Liposuction: This is the most common, and the safest method of liposuction. The term ‘tumescence’ refers to the swelling and firming of fatty tissues by the means of infusing fluid into the tissue. First, tiny incisions are made over the areas to be suctioned; then, the area is infiltrated with a saline solution that contains and local anesthetic and adrenaline which reduces blood loss and bruising.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL): uses a vibrating suction cannula to speedup the suctioning process. Developed by a German surgeon, this liposuction technique employs an electric-powered cannula, which sucks out the fat faster.
  • Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction (UAL): This technique uses ultrasound to liquefy the fat to be removed easily. An external method also delivers this energy by applying a paddle-shaped instrument to the skin.

Recovery Period
After the procedure is completed, a compression garment or elastic bandages is firmly wrapped around the treated area to help reduce swelling, bruising, pain and compress the skin to your new body contours. You may wear the compression garment for 3-4 weeks. Expect a lot of bruising and swelling 7-10 days. In addition, small temporary drains from the incision may be placed for several days to remove any excess blood or fluid. In some cases, antibiotics may be given to reduce the risk of infection. You can return to your normal activities as soon as you feel comfortable, though this may take several days to a few weeks. Most people can return to work within a few days. Recovery may take longer if large areas were treated.

Liposuction results will be long lasting
It may take several months for the swelling to fully dissipate after the treatment. And, your new shape will continue to improve. Complete result will continue as long as you have a healthy lifestyle and weight control.

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